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Writer's pictureAsk Miss Lisa

Progress Not Perfection

In life some of us are waiting for the “perfect conditions”. We put things off until “the time is right”, but I am here today to let you know that if the Lord put it on your heart then the time is RIGHT!

I think about the things that I put to the side thinking “oh, I will do that when I retire or once I have made a certain amount of money.” Now I realize that I put my happiness on hold for no good reason! You can start towards whatever you want out of life TODAY! Small steps in the direction of your hopes and dreams count too. Progress Not Perfection!

I learned last week that my cancer has been reversed by 65% with only 4 treatments and I am responding so well that the science is now saying 5 to 10 years of remission instead of the original 3 to 5 years. The doctor even used the word “cured” but said he couldn’t make any promises! Only GOD knows how long we have, but I am happy to be here today! I am now scheduled for an autologous transplant on August 23rd instead of the October date I was originally given. During this process, my own blood-forming cells will be collected, frozen, stored then given back to me after intensive chemotherapy.

With all the hurdles I have had to clear thus far on this journey, I have also come to realize that when you ASK the LORD to use you…YOU must be ready for the assignment. None of the science makes sense so I know it is GOD! WON'T HE DO IT!

From cancer in 75% of my bones on April 22nd to the doctor using the word “cured” in a sentence by June 23rd in addition to the miraculous way I responded to the surgery on the wholes in my leg! It has only been one month (June 10th) this week and I was walking right from the day I left the hospital and I stopped taking pain medication one week after surgery. My team “can’t believe it”!!!

I say all this to let you know that I am NOT special! The FATHER promises this to ALL who believe. So as long as you are making PROGRESS towards your hopes and dreams let the Lord handle the PERFECT way you get there because I am here to tell you… nobody does it better!

We pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share our stories with others who might be helped by our ability to tell our truth in love! We also encourage you to submit your never know who will be helped!

Matthew 5:14-16

Peace be with YOU!


You only get one life...Stop waiting for things to be perfect and start living it TODAY!

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3 comentários

16 de jul. de 2021

You have no idea how inspiring you are to me! Lord, continue to bless Lisa for her transparency!


12 de jul. de 2021

Lisa, this is your testimony & thanks for sharing. You are blessed & being a blessing to others - planting & watering seeds. Won't He Do It!!


Elle Robinson
Elle Robinson
12 de jul. de 2021

This is amazing news ! You look great! I also agree, if something is in your heart, just go for it ! Thanks for sharing 🖤

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