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Writer's pictureAsk Miss Lisa

Living With...

Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)

If TODAY is THE day…

I am living with cancer. It has taken me a longtime to face this reality but, I am glad I finally have!! When I was first diagnosed, I asked the the doctor…how long do I have? It is the first thing that came to mind. The doctor said “well typically people live 3 to 5 years”. The doctor also suggested that I get a stem cell transplant to hopefully give me more time in remission before the cancer ultimately comes back.

This was the most difficult part for me…the fact that I would go through all of this just to have the cancer…COME BACK! I have heard people in the past saying that they feared “it” (whatever “it” was for them) would come back. So, I have decided to change my perspective on the situation.

Instead of trying to get rid of the cancer then living in FEAR that it will come back… I have decided that I am going to live my life with the cancer. I will no longer give cancer the power over me! The LORD decides how long we have so, since cancer has decided to show up in my life…it will just have to come along for the ride. Wherever the Lord sees fit for me to go!

I will take the chemo and keep it moving! I have cancer, but cancer doesn’t have me ANYMORE!

We all have to live with something sometimes…cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., etc., etc. BUT, we have the power through our Lord to decide whom we will serve. I am not serving cancer going forward. I have allowed it to take up too much of my life as it is.

From this point forward, I am living each day with more FAITH, JOY, HOPE, LOVE and LAUGHTER. I will be living the abundant life promised to me by Our Father. I hope that you will join me and take back your life from whatever has held you back!

We can have the desires of our hearts because OUR FATHER said we can.

We pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share are our stories with others who might be helped by our ability to tell our truth in love! We also encourage you to submit never know who will be helped!

Matthew 5:14-16

Peace be with YOU!


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