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Live YOUR Life

Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation)

If TODAY is THE day…

I check into the hospital on August 25th for my stem cell transplant. Last week they hooked a needle in my neck (central line) to collect blood for 7 hours and they run it through a machine that will clean the blood of cancer, then they freeze it and put back clean blood after a very high dose of chemotherapy.

They were able to get enough blood in two days instead of me having to go back four times as was the original plan. The blood collection didn’t hurt but the central line does cause pain and I have to keep it in my neck for at least two weeks. I also have to flush the thing every day. When they told me I that I would have to clean the line in my neck myself daily, I almost passed out. But, like with any obstacles that come my way…with GOD’s help I have found the courage to do it.

This experience with cancer has made me realize just how strong I truly am. When I found out that I would not be able to walk and would need a wheelchair, I was very upset, because I used to move furniture! Now I have to use a wheelchair, but my daughter said to me “do not let that wheelchair define you!!”

When my daughter said that to me, I realized the teacher had become the student and that I had done my job as a parent! She was hitting me with my own words. From that day forward, I decided that I would just learn to live my life with this new challenge to the fullest!

Last week my daughter took me to the beach and I sat in the sand and enjoyed the water. I have been learning to do all the things I love... just in new ways.

Life come at you fast and curve balls can hit you in the head, but remember as long as the LORD wakes you up, you can find a way to make it work. Don’t let anything or anyone try to DEFINE who YOU are, just LIVE YOUR LIFE to the fullest!

We pray that this has blessed you in some way and hope that you share our stories with others who might be helped by our ability to tell our truth in love! We also encourage you to submit never know who will be helped!

Matthew 5:14-16

Peace be with YOU!


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Elle Robinson
Elle Robinson
Aug 16, 2021

You are continuing to show up and show out ! Looks like a relaxing beach day ! Thank you, for sharing 🖤

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