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Happy Birthday...Again

Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation) - If TODAY is THE day…

Today, I had my stem cell transplant and at the hospital they call it your “rebirth-day”, because they re-set your entire system. They give you chemotherapy which kills EVERYTHING…both cancer and the good stuff too.

I will be required to get all my childhood immunizations and the COVID vaccines again. I will have to live as an infant and all that goes along with that stage of life. My husband and daughter will have to take care of my every need for at least 2 weeks and I may have to live this way for at least 3 months. The doctors will do everything in their power to bring only the good stuff back to life.

This got me to thinking…can/should we do a voluntary re-set on our lives if we are on a unhappy, unhealthy or dangerous path? I say “YES!”

Cancer is a dis-ease and I am sure the way I lived my life contributed to where I find myself now. I was an admitted CONTROL freak, a workaholic and a superwoman (with an invisible cape). Everything ALWAYS had to be perfect and I am sure I drove everyone crazy in the process! Unfortunately, I know I am not alone in this unhealthy behavior. I always tell my coaching clients…”I have already tried steps A through F, and I would like you to learn from my mistakes instead of having to repeat them yourself!” I believe most of us can benefit from a re-set. I pray that we do it before we cause ourselves more hypertension, diabetes, and unnecessary STRESSS by holding on to jobs, situations and people that do not add anything POSITIVE or subtract more than add to our lives. We can start by cutting ourselves some slack…we are human and we will NEVER be perfect. Time to retire the invisible cape for good and let some stuff and some people go with no hard feelings! In this re-set you can give yourself permission to think of your needs first. Get some help if you can’t do it alone…therapy helped save my life.

Today is my second birthday and it just so happens that I am in the same hospital where I was originally born and it is also my biological father’s heavenly birthday. He passed at age 42 from his own unhealthy life choices. Please learn from my mistakes! Take good care of yourselves because we only really get one life to live! Just wake up every morning, thank GOD and pray that HE helps you to be the best you can…until you can be better! I pray this has helped someone in someway, because my unhealthy life choices may have contributed to this dis-ease and I may require a second transplant in another 3 to 6 months. This time around…I will BE better. They are trying to get me at least 10 years of remission, but only GOD knows when we will be called home so start BEING better today because…your tomorrow is depending on YOU! Matthew 5:14-16

Peace be with YOU!


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5 comentarios

28 ago 2021

Great advise.

What a testimony & blessing you have and sharing. Hold on to your FAITH. I will take your advice to start being better today. Send virtual hugs and prayers up to our Heavenly Father.

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Thank you for your example of living. The good, bad, ugly and unfortunateness of it can all be lived through with perspective, patience and faith. Thank you for modeling that and I pray for your recovery and well being.

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Angela Campbell
Angela Campbell
27 ago 2021

Happy Birthday!!! I am really glad to be a friend with you in this journey 💛

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Wendy Taylor
Wendy Taylor
26 ago 2021

Great advice and so true!! This is actually your 3rd birthday....number 2 was your spiritual birthday when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior 😊. I admire your strength, courage, and faith. Thank you for sharing your journey. You‘ve been a blessing to me and many more!! Love ❤️you

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Elle Robinson
Elle Robinson
26 ago 2021

Happy Birthday , Again ! Wishing you healthy recovery 🖤

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