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Ask Miss Lisa (Love, Inspiration, Straight-talk, Activation) If TODAY is THE day…

It's Good to be Alive...

But...It's best to LIVE!

I have been struggling lately to LIVE. Having been sick and thinking that I was going to die did a little number on my mind. I am positive and upbeat most of the time, but I am human and I do have my moments.

Moments when I let self-doubt and fear "play" in my life. Most recently, I was working for a client that I allowed to drain my mind, body and soul...but, the money was "good"! So, I allowed my needs for sleep and peace to be compromised for money. 

Having been sick for over two years has left me with "outrageous" hospital bills and other financial obligations. (You all know this sister has been TRAVELING TOO!!)  When this client contacted me several times, knowing I was on vacation...that was the final straw!

I believe I was being tested to see if I had learned the lesson that made me sick in the first place...chasing money or staying in a situation that does not bring us joy for ANY reason is NOT living our best lives.

Decide today that you will not let ANYTHING or ANYONE stand in the way of your true joy and peace. I finally came to my senses and remembered that the Lord will provide...because HE ALWAYS DOES!

It's good to be alive, but it's best to LIVE!

Thanks be to GOD!

Matthew 5:14-16

Peace and Blessings,



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